

Information is an essential resources for development. It is a Key factor, Library and Education are the twin Sisters, Both in decision making as well as in Subsequent action to be taken by an organization for development and research we are living in the age of information explosion information is an important to the human being as is the food, air and other necessities of life. The 21 Century demands the library to become a Resource Sharing Center which resources don’t have boundaries.

           This is the evident from the large number of periodicals and book published in the World every year. The number of articles and papers being produced in different branches of knowledge every year is mind boggling. The age for information society is round the corner. The library act as a central source of Knowledge and Information, The Text books, Reference book etc.

           Presently there are 21037 book costing, 80,59090  and We have print 47 + Online 911 Magazine on Various technical Subjects and 460 CD’S VCD’S on various Subjects.