Quality Initiatives - Significant Contributions of IQAC
The IQAC at MGICOET plays crucial role in institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. The significant contributions & Quality initiatives of IQAC are
- Feedback from all stakeholders, Analysis and Action Taken Reports
- Regular IQAC Meetings and Action taken Reports.
- Both, internal and external Academic and Administrative Audits (AAA).
- Preparation and submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).
- Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
- Curriculum planning, syllabus completion, attendance of students and their performance is monitored on ERP
- Monitoring of Students Mentoring system.
- Continuous Internal Assessment of students and reports.
- Implementation Outcome Based Education.
- Adoption of Student-centric learning strategies in classrooms and faculty development program.
- Effective use of ICT and LMS in teaching learning.
- Use of ERP – EduPlus for library automation and other administrative work.
- Revision and updating formats for record keeping (Review and approval of the revised Faculty Performance Appraisal Format, External Audit forms, Academic Calendar, Gender Audit Form, Performance based Appraisal form, Format for student Satisfaction Survey Analysis)
- Preparing and Updating Policy documents (e-governance policy, Policy on Green initiatives: Waste Management, Research promotion policy, New Internship policy, Consultancy Policy, etc.)
- Establishment of Facility Management Cell (FMC) for effective maintenance and utilization of resources. Preparation of policy document for maintaining and utilizing Physical, academic and support facilities of the institute.
- Preparedness for implementing NEP 2020
- Conduction of workshops ,seminars and conferences
- Organizing programs on IPR, Entrepreneurship and various competitions
- Developing ecosystem for research innovations and Incubation
- Submission of research proposals to various Government funding agencies.
- Entrepreneurial activities: workshops, competitions and MSME programmes, etc.
- Establishment of Mauli Incubation centre (approved by MSME, New Delhi.)
- Establishment of Institution Innovation Council (IIC) under AICTE New Delhi.
- Recognition and approval of three major departments and PhD Research Centres by SGBAU.
- Preparing annual action plan for each department.
- Institutional Strategic goals and perspective plan and deployment
- Holistic development of students through value added courses, soft skill trainings, Technical training and Skill based courses.
- Industry linkages and collaborative activities.
- Community based extension programmes
- Gender equity and sensitization through annual gender Audits and Programs on gender awareness.
- Green Initiatives such as conducting energy audit, green audit and management of solid waste etc.
- Continuous Internal Assessment for Theory (NEP) Formats
- Internal Assessment Policy as per National Education Policy (NEP)
- Reforms in Unit Test as per National Education Policy (NEP)
- Establishment of Acharya Chanakya Kaushal Vikas Kendra (ACKVK)
- Teachers Induction Program on “Effective Teaching & Classroom Management” 13 September 2024
- Workshop On “National Education Policy 2024” 14 August 2024
- Guest Lecture on Ethics and Value Education
- Institute Level Smart India Hackathon 2023
- Workshop on “Review on COs POs and PSOs : Assessment and Attainment”
- Hands-on Workshop on “Effective Use of LMS for Students Learning”
- Seminar on “Problem Based Learning through Demonstration and Experiments”
- Seminar on “Accreditation & Assessment for Excellence in Education”
- Induction Programme For First Year B.E. Students
- National Education Policy : 2020 Structural Changes and Academic Reforms
- Internal Quality Assurance Activity-“Together Towards Tomorrow”
- One Day Workshop on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) in Higher Education Institutions(HEI) towards Implementing National Education Policy 2020”
- Workshop on “IPR Awareness”
- Workshop on Introduction to 3D Printing
- One day workshop on Data Backup and Recovery
- Institute Level Smart India Hackathon 2022
- Intellectual Property Awareness Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission
- Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights
- AICTE ISTE Approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on “Active Teaching/Learning Process” in 3-Phases.
- One Week National Short Term Training Program on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology.
- One day Workshop on Linux.
- One day Workshop on R.
- National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering 2018(NC-RASE 2018).
- Workshop on “Strategies for Marching towards Excellence”One day Workshop on Moodle Learning Management System.
- Workshop on Scilab.